November 3, 2014

Ideas To Choose Your Glamorous Tableware

Ideas To Choose Your Glamorous Tableware – If you check in the dictionary, tableware includes the dishes or dishware used for setting a table, serving food and for dining. Tableware can also be meant to include cutlery and glassware. So, by definition, it is something we use every day, despite […]

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January 21, 2013

Hello world!

Boasting oh-so chic taste and a worldly sensibility, Los Angeles-based interior designer Kishani Perera is takingLuxe behind the scenes of her beautifully and eclectically designed world, providing a peek into her creative process. Excuse us as we “rummage” through Ms. Perera’s exciting design journey, picking up some cues on“vintage remix” as we go. 1. You are […]

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Hospitality Interior Design Book


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