Most entrepreneurs who work from home spend more time in the home office than any other room in the house. Yet, when it comes to decorating the office is often the last room in the house to receive any attention.
Research has shown that each color affects a different part of us. (And this isn’t a feng shui thing or anything like that, this is pure science). So, while you may have to be stuck with a boring cubicle at work, if you telecommute or do your work from home, you have a lot more flexibility when it comes to dressing up your workspace, so you better start having office ideas. A fun, inviting home office will make you feel more like you can’t wait to be productive, and less like the work days are dragging on.
Whether you’ve already got a home office or you’re ready to set up your work-from-home space for the first time, you’ll need some home office inspiration. Here is the best place to find it. With everything from cool furniture and color schemes to unique storage solutions and DIY ideas, this article is a hub for people interested in interior design.
Find the most amazing home office color schemes and see how to decorate your working place. Be inspired!
If you Google “the most productive color”, every result seems to suggest that blue is the most “productive” color. Good if you do mind-work all day.
If you’re in an environment where having a strong sense of balance is the most important, green might just be the color that makes you the most productive. As well, because it’s so balanced, calming, and reassuring, it’s great to use around anywhere money’s changing hands. On the flip side, though, it can be very stagnant and inert, so an action man, who loves red, is going to find green quite a strain.
If you’re a designer, and you want creativity, blue isn’t going to be the color for you. Yellow is a better color, because it stimulates your ego and spirits, and makes you more optimistic.
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If you want to be more productive doing something physical, red would make you more productive than either blue or yellow, because it stimulates you physically. If you’re hiring a bunch of guys to build you a house, for example, blue isn’t going to be a lot of help to you – you want the red for physical strength and stimulus.
To determine which color to paint your home office surroundings, first narrow down which main color (or combination of colors) will work the best in your situation by deciding whether you want to affect your mind, emotions, body, or balance.
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