Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafted Sculptures

I Love the ceramic work from Johnson Tsang. You have probably seen some of these stunning sculptures and wonder who is the author. The author of these really wonderful sculptures, Johnson Tsang, is an Hong Kong sculptor specializing in ceramics, stainless steel sculpture and public art works. Tsang’s works mostly employ realist sculptural techniques accompanied by surrealist imagination, integrating the two elements, “human beings” and “objects”, into creative themes. Since 1993, Tsang’s works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Spain and Switzerland and collected by local and overseas museums and collectors. Take a look! Beggining with an “A Painful Pot” that the author describes as “… an sculpture to express how I feel about my country”.

Johnson Tsang - A Painful Pot

Johnson Tsang - A Painful Pot

Johnson Tsang - A Painful Pot

Johnson Tsang - A Painful Pot

“Although killing takes place every day, we know that somewhere in this world, there are people who are extending a helping hand to others, working hard to save lives. I believe that violence, hatred, arrogance and fear will finally be converted into the positive energy of love, peace, eternity and compassion. The evil spirit will be enlightened and the world’s fate will then be totally changed. This work is dedicated to those who strive for peace.”

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures


“When I was about to go out in a rush, I was astonished by a withered rose in the vase. It was still in full bloom yesterday, how come it suddenly withers and falls? I slowed down my pace and wondered…

Isn’t our life as magnificent as the rose? It lasts for a few decades but slips away like the cloud. Our life is full of joy and sadness. We have been pursuing personal fame and wealth. We have a lot to love, to hate and to cherish… and finally they all pass away with us, earth to earth, dust to dust. So why don’t we value each moment to make our life easier and happier?

This rose is made of porcelain. Sculpturing on its petals are different facial expressions: pleasure, anger, sorrow and joy. Through this work, I try to reflect what we are experiencing in our life, which will ultimately wither, fall and pass away like the petals.”

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures


Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures


Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures


One of the most known must be the Yuanyang  sculpture that he did it again, this time in Stainless Steel a more durable and shiny material.

One of the most known must be the Yuanyang  sculpture that he did it again, this time in Stainless Steel a more durable and shiny material.

One of the most known must be the Yuanyang  sculpture that he did it again, this time in Stainless Steel a more durable and shiny material.

One of the most known must be the Yuanyang  sculpture that he did it again, this time in Stainless Steel a more durable and shiny material.


“I created this work with realistic ceramic sculptural technique, trying to simulate the flesh and blood with clay and ceramic glazes fired in different temperatures. The outcome is however surrealistic as the work has presented both the cause (the killing weapons) and result (the victims) together. The work expresses the idea that the concept of blood for blood will only intensify the hatred and extend it to eternity. In fact, those who kill inthe battlefield are at the same time the victims. Nobody is a winner in a war.”

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures


And lets finish this article with … “just a game”

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Johnson Tsang Incredible Handcrafed Sculptures

Check out the work from Johnson Tsang at his blog, where you can see all the production process.

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